Vision Bored: Create an Exciting Vision Statement that Shapes the Future

"Your future is whatever you make it.

So make it a good one.” - Dr. Emmett Brown

We’ve explored how a strong mission statement clearly communicates your organization’s impact. Now, let’s look ahead to your vision statement and explore how it can shape the future.

But first, let’s discuss what a Vision Statement is not. This may sound pretty basic, and all too obvious, but look at a handful of Vision Statements, and tell me whether I need to type this next sentence: A Vision Statement is NOT another way of saying your Mission Statement. Unfortunately, you see this too often, and it looks a little like this:

Nearsighted Museum
(A contemporary art museum with an unclear sense of long-term impact.)

"Nearsighted Museum showcases thought-provoking and innovative exhibits that inspire creativity and foster appreciation for contemporary art."

"To become a leader in presenting engaging and cutting-edge displays that spark imagination and cultivate admiration for contemporary art."

Go back to my article on Mission Statements to explore why the mission is weak, but here we’ll discuss why restating the Mission with the help of does not provide you with a sufficient roadmap to guide your community into the future.


Where we’re going, we need a solid vision. Friends, the future isn’t written yet—but your intentions and actions will help shape it. A strong vision statement defines the desired impact and external outcomes that signal your mission’s success. This is my approach to Vision Statements:


“To become a leader…” is about the organization and not the impact on the community it serves, and working the mission is not a description of impact. So, the example above does not meet the definition, but neither do any of these arts organizations’ Vision Statements*:

  • “Our vision for the future is to evolve as a world-class center for arts education, culture, and the performing arts.”

  • "Promote contemporary visual art through philanthropic contributions.”

  • “We are considered one of the best symphonies in the world.”

  • "To deliver high quality performances that advance the appreciation of music.”

  • "To be a global leader in developing appreciation for jazz.”

  • "Our theater produces award-winning performances.”

While I recommend using as many words as needed to make your point, rambling isn’t compelling. Here’s an example of how too much detail and inward focus can dilute the effectiveness of your statement.

  • "Our wildlife center seeks to become a globally recognized leader in the preservation, study, and display of wetland habitats and their native species. We aim to be an indispensable resource for learning about waterfowl, amphibians, and aquatic plants from marshes, rivers, and lakes around the world. Every aspect of our reserve is crafted to reflect excellence, natural beauty, and inspiration, transforming the visitor experience into one of awe and discovery. We are committed to helping people connect with the wonders of wetlands and fostering a deeper commitment to conserving and protecting these fragile ecosystems for generations to come."

*Note: As always, only some of these are real (and altered to protect the organization) and some I made up to illustrate the point. This is not about shaming any arts organizations. I am so grateful to them for the work they do and the difference they make, which is why I am committed to helping more arts organizations more clearly articulate their impact in pursuit of greater success.


Strong Vision Statements articulate a clear, aspirational picture of the world as transformed by your mission’s success. Here are some excellent examples:

The Hunger Project

“Our vision is a world without hunger.”

(Note: This is a concise and accurate vision for a future where they succeed in their mission, however, I think the first three words are not needed. I would shorten it to: “A world without hunger.” That each statement is your mission or your vision is implied, so you can get right to the meat of the statement.”)

The Trevor Project

“A world where all LGBTQ+ young people see a bright future for themselves.”

Conservation International

“We imagine a healthy, prosperous world in which societies are forever committed to caring for and valuing nature, for the long-term benefit of people and all life on Earth.”

Alzheimer's Association

“A world without Alzheimer's and all other dementia.”

Habitat for Humanity

“A world where everyone has a decent place to live.”

And, just to demonstrate that not all Vision Statements have to begin with “A world where…,” here is one I wrote:

Laurent House by Frank Lloyd Wright

"An inclusive future where everyone, regardless of abilities or differences, can access the beauty, connection, and dignity embodied in the Laurent House.”


You may encounter nonprofits that don’t use a Vision Statement, and wonder if you actually need one. If your Vision simply restates your Mission, then the answer is: No, you don’t need to repeat yourself. But a well-crafted Vision can help your audiences, donors, funders, and stakeholders understand the long-term impact of their engagement. Communicating how their participation will change the world for the better is a powerful way to encourage long-term and passionate support.

So, ask yourself: What does the world—or your street, community, state, or country (whatever you are trying to impact)—look like when your Mission succeeds? Define it clearly, inspire others with it, and use your vision to lead your organization boldly into the future.

Jeff Goodman is a nonprofit consultant specializing in helping arts organizations clarify their mission and amplify their impact. A former professional actor, he brings a creative approach to his consulting, enabling organizations to tell compelling stories that resonate with audiences and build lasting support. His signature program, Mission Critical, emphasizes collaboration and is dedicated to making the arts accessible, engaging, and exciting for all.


Sometimes Less is Less: A Case for Longer Mission Statements in the Arts